Order forms, weekly assignments, etc

30 Mar 2020 by Mrs. Grant

Hi all!

I hope everyone is safe.

Underclassmen parents if you can please get me order forms I sent out before Spring Break by the end of the week I’d appreciate it. I don’t have ways to collect deposits right now unless you want to pay in skyward(minimal fee). If that’s what you want to do let me know!

If also sent the girls their weekly assignments by remind them last two weeks. Please check with them to make sure they’ve turned in to me.

Also, you may see a $300 charge appear on skyward from Dance shortly. It happens every year around this time.This is for their FIELD uniforms. Once I’m able to collect them and they turn everything in they are removed. DO NOT PAY this.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

We miss all the girls so much!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!